The following is part of what God showed me last night. I had an amazing couple of hours with my Father and He continues to amaze me. I love Him so much. But not for the vision or the invitation or the miracles. It's all about Him loving me and me loving Him. Take a glimpse into the wonder of my Father and the life He has for me (and you). The main Scripture that was read as I recieved these things from my Father was Isaiah 43:1-3, 5. Then He threw in some others that I have been meditating on: Isaiah 40:28-31, Ephesians 6:13-18, 2 Samuel 22:33-35.
The Vision
Huge flames. Walls of fire to the left, right and front of me. Flames, high like the sky scrapers of Chicago and New York City. Intensely burning. Nothing survives these types of flames. Nothing survives the fire of hell.
Your Savior is before you and behind you. He's paving the way as you run foward. Head held high. Dorned with the full armor of God. Shield of Faith held firmly in hand. Helmet of Salvation perfectly protecting. Breastplate of Righteousness strapped on tight. Belt of Truth securely holding you together. Shoes of Peace making the journey light on your body. Sword of the Spirit drawn and ready to attack. Your Partner guarding your back because you don't look back, your battle is foward.
The flames reach out but cannot harm you. The heat is intense but you are refreshed and cool. The smoke is thick but you breathe in fresh Spring air. The enemy is armed but you are not afraid. You charge towards your enemy. Your Guide leading you from the front and your Partner guarding you from the back. You do not grow weary. You do not faint. You soar to victory. You live the life you have been designed for. You fight the battle with your Father and your enemy is defeated because of the Perfect Lamb.
The Invitation
Follow me.
You are on the right path because I have brought you there.
Fear not. Doubt not. You opened your heart to me and I live there.
Follow me.
Training is required. You are in the right spot.
Training is hard. Allow me to be there with you.
Follow me.
You hear my voice so clearly. Doubt yourself not.
Know I have a plan for your good.
Follow me.
The time is now. We have work to do together.
Take in the teaching and training and we will fight the battle.
Follow me.
You will not be harmed. I am your protection. No one, no thing, can harm you.
I have defeated the prince of darkness. And you are my light to the world.
Follow me.
Keep open eyes for me. Open heart for my love, grace and mercy.
Show the enemy you are not afraid. Fight.
Follow me.
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