I was spending some time with Abba this morning and He showed me this chapter in Judges. And my version puts little subtitles before sections, you know. This subtitle was "Deborah's Song." And if you know anything about Deborah, you know she was a prophetess and a judge. But when God called her, she joined the battle with Barak at her side, leading the warriors. She became a mother of Israel (5:7) and rose to the leadership position God called her to.
In this song she encourages the mass of volunteers who have taken on Sisera (an enemy) by encouraging her soul. "March on, my soul; Be strong! (5:21)" She's ready to fight. She's ready to serve God when called upon. She doesn't shrink in fear. Oh, no. Quite the opposite. She sees men, afraid of their enemy and unwilling to rise up against him. She knows God has called her to be a leader, even a leader of men. How wonderful to know God is on your side and fights with you.
Then, the person who kills Sisera - the enemy. A woman. Jael, a housewife (tent-dweller). She takes her hammer and chisle and sneaks into his camp. Then she takes that chisle to his head and kills him. Sisera is unaware, unguarded, sleeping. And the enemy is defeated. His mother concerned waits for him to return, starring out the window. She is hopeful that he has won and that Sisera and his men are dividing up what they have taken charge of. Little does she know that the enemy of the God and His people has been defeated! Deborah and Barak end their song with this verse: "So may all your enemies perish, O Lord. But may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength (5:31)."
This all got me to thinking about how I, a woman, can be used and called by God. God has a purpose for my life. God has made it clear that He needs me to reach His children, the ones no one else can. He needs me to lead some of His children out of cowering. He needs me to respond to His calling, no doubts, no second thoughts. Just simple obedience. How else can He use me? If I'm trying to control things that does nothing for Him and His kingdom now does it?
And with all the discouragement I face in the world. We all face it. All the lies thrown in our face, who couldn't use some encouragement. "March on my soul!!!" "Be strong!!!" "Rise like the sun!!!" God is with you at all times. God's strength is in me. The Spirit of God is my everything. His joy is my strength. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Be strong! Afterall, Joshua 1:9 says He has commanded us to be strong and courageous. Fighting when we don't want to. Not giving in. Making the HARD choices. Yes, be strong oh my soul. March on. Don't give up. Do not coward. God has given us a spirit of power, love, a self-control/self-discipline/sound mind!!! Not of cowardice, fear or timidity (2 Tim 1:7). There's just no such thing has falling in the background or sitting in the back row with God. It's upfront and in your face. Giving God first place but standing up for Him and showing Him to the world. Not cowering to the enemy. But marching foward. Marching firm. Step after step. Strong in Christ!!!! How I love Him!!!
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