Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Heal the wound, leave the scar!

I was listening to a song the other day on my way to some place. The line that really stood out to me was "heal the wound, but leave the scar." Hmm...heal the wound but leave the scar. It got me to thinking about how wonderful God really is. He healed my wounds. I no longer struggle with depression or negative thoughts about myself. I don't struggle with suicidal thoughts or the eating disorder I had. I am not affected by the pain of my childhood. I don't feel the pain of being abused anymore. My God has healed me.

And yet He leaves the scar. He allows me to remember where I was and how I felt. He allows me to see that pain and to remember how it was for me. Yet, He allows the scar to be a reminder of how wonderful He is to me (and all my brothers and sisters). He was able to heal those wounds. He was the One. His love and mercy and grace. Jesus. My Father. No one else. He healed the wound and there's no longer any pain associated with the scars of depression, suicide, sexual abuse, emotional/verbal abuse, physical abuse, eating disorder, self-harm, alcohol, witchcraft, a wasted life. There's scars for others to see. They are there so that others can listen and see the amazing work God has done in my life. I once was ashamed, no more. The scars on my arms, legs, heart and soul are there to show the transforming power of the Holy Spirit!!

I give praise only to my Father in Heaven. He did the work, I just opened my heart. Heal the wound, but leave the scar. What wounds is He healing for you? What wounds do you want Him to heal? What scars has He blessed you with? Will you let others see? Jesus love you and He will transform you. Joy for your sorrow. Hope for despair. Gladness for morning. Beauty for ashes!

1 comment:

  1. wow.amazing. what song is that? I think about our Savior's scars...THrough the scars on the hands of His glorified body, Thomas was able to believe. Maybe those who wouldn't believe otherwise will believe when they see our scars as evidence of our changed lives. Thanks for sharing this, friend! You are beautiful, and your scars reveal His transformative work in your life.
