There's been a lot going on in my world lately. Many things have popped up that I was not expecting. Some from the enemy of my soul as he puts into motion his twisted schemes to steal my joy and knock me off of the path God has so wonderfully laid before me. And some from the perfect timing of God's plans for my life.
Sometimes, it takes me awhile to get back on track after satan comes to steal and destroy me soul. This week has been extremely difficult to keep my head afloat and stay on the straight, narrow path. At church on Sunday morning, I had a horrible time allowing myself to worship and receive. Every time I attempted to let my wall down and let the Holy Spirit in the deep, dark, twisted, hole in my soul began to ache and make its presence known. I had to put my guard back up to stop it from overpowering me and drowning me in a pit of despair, pain and twisted lies.
Towards the end of the church service they opened the baptismal pool. No one was signed up to be baptized in second service and yet 2 young kids ran to the pool and asked to be baptized. They knew what they were doing and were excited to ask God into their hearts.
While these young children were making the best decision of their lives God whispered to my aching soul, "Beloved, do you remember?"
Remember? Of course I remember! That very first time I ever asked God to be my Lord and Savior. The first time I got dunked and became a new creation! That night that I decided I didn't want to live my life without my Father in Heaven! Of course I remember!
I was 8 years old. We only went to church now and then. I'd been to Catholic mass, Mormon services and the non-denomational services. I didn't know which was was right, but I knew that God was very real and that I needed Him in my life. So, I got baptized at the church we attended.
I believe it was this act of faith that has kept my connection with God so strong. Throughout the hell on earth that I lived through, my desire for God only grew stronger. I believe that accepting Christ into my heart at the tender age of 8 is what kept me fighting to be free from all the bondage I was in.
I couldn't help but be overjoyed at the fact that these children were giving their lives to Christ and opening their hearts to Him. I pray one day they will see how their decision as a child has kept them from fatal fates and called them to return to Him every time they have strayed.
I remember the day I was baptized as a child. I remember being in the baptismal pool with the pastor, declaring my belief in Jesus and my love for God. I remember being full of joy and happiness the moment I came up out of the water. I remember knowing that I had made the right decision. I remember being different from family even back then. I remember the night I gave my heart to God despite all the junk I was living around.
For some crazy reason that only God knows, I desired to know Him from a very young age. At no urging of anyone else, I asked to be baptized and have since lived a life wanting to be ever closer to Him.
I also believe that my desire for Christ at that young age made me a high priority for satan and his deamons. Satan had to crush that little spirit inside of me and he tried to kill my soul. But my God was faithful throughout all of the stuff satan started to throw at me. And today, I am able to sense the enemy's attacks and I am on my guard with the full armor of God, ready to keep pressing on for God, ever transforming into their person He has designed me to become!
I know that those two children from Sunday morning will face a lot of challenges in their lives but they will always know that God is with them and they will always return to the simple truth that He loves them and they love Him.
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