Thursday, February 19, 2009

Perfect Weather Trumps The Storms

So, I'm sitting at this to a window. It's really cold out there, but I'm pretty warm inside. It's supposed to be snowing and all icky and gray. But the sun keeps shinning through the clouds that are moving east. The sun....

I'm reminded that my life is supposed to be cloudy and icky and gray and stormy. I'm reminded that at one point in my life that's how it was predicted to turn out. It would always be that way. I don't know who was the predictor (I'm not sure that's a word but you know what I mean), I'm guessing it was a storm itself. But...The Sun....The Son....

The Son came into my life. The Light. The Warmth. The Comfort. The Peace. The Cool Breeze. The Perfect Weather. The Perfect Day. It all came into my heart. Cleared away the clouds. The lightening stopped. The rain dwindled and the Son began to shine.

And now, every once in awhile, that storm comes back, trying to make its way back into my sun-shinny day. It comes with a cold-front. Then the rain falls heavily. Thunder and lightening roar and do not let up. Eventually the snow turns into a snow blizzard, taking over my life, locking my indoors, isolating me from those outside the storm. There's no safety. I'm lost in a whirlwind of the storm. It's ripping my world apart. There's nothing I can do.

But the Son....

I reach for Him. I call to Him. I don't even know what I'm saying except, "help." I cry out. I read His Word and Promises. I know the calm is coming. The storm cannot lost forever. My Helper is Peace. My Storm Calmer calls back. I hear Him with His army of Angels coming to my rescue. He brings His Heart close to mine and the snow melts. The clouds disappear. The sun comes out again and the grass is green. The breeze is perfect. He's back in control. The storm never had a chance to survive in my life.

And it's official. I have a Rescuer. He helps me in my time of distress. He keeps me close and He hears me when I call. I have a Father who loves me more than I can ever imagine. He takes great care of me. He promises me that He will always be with me, even when I feel distant from Him. He takes all my worries and all my burdens! He calms the storm around me and within me. All it takes is one word: "Jesus"

I love Him more than I'll ever understand. And He loves me. Nothing can ever change that. So though the storms may come and try to overtake this sun-shinny day, they will never succeed! My Perfect Day is here with me always! The storms cannot stay!

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