I'm not sure how to start this entry or what it will end up saying. All I know is that I have to write....
Two Sundays ago I was at a conference and on Sunday morning we had a worship service. As I was sitting in my chair, I began to feel overwhelmed by the love of God. He loves all His children soooo deeply and wants nothing more than for them to find their way back home. He showed me their faces and spoke about how He loves them to His very core. Love is Who He is.
Since that day I have found myself paying attention to my thoughts about other people. I've judged, gotten irritated, thought down about others. These thoughts that race threw my mind are not of God. So, I've been reminded to show God's love to everyone I come across. Guide them home by letting God's love shine through. It seems like every day God is trying to teach me more about His love and how my mission in living again is to help show those who are dead how to rise and live in the resurrection power of Christ! But just by simply loving them. Getting to know them. Partaking in some type of activity that builds our friendship. Then, they will see just how different I am from the rest of the world and they will ask questions and I will share with them the transforming power of love my Jesus has used on me. Showing people the door and giving them the chance and ability to walk through.
Well, two nights ago I was on my way home from a wonderful day with my three nieces. But for some reason I couldn't turn down my street, so I kept driving. I took a country road and just kept driving north. I was amazed at what I saw. Fields, covered with snow (but it was as if it was freshly fallen snow because so much melted from the awesome weather we had!). The moon shinning brightly to reveal the beauty of my God. I drove by slowly, taking in the tremendous amount of love I was feeling from God, for myself and for all my brothers and sisters (even the lost ones).
Then, I came up on a few animals who were now road kill. And I heard God tell me that many of His children are much like the animals who have been run over. They are meant to be in the fields and in the woods where it is safe ground. But they get "brave" and venture out into the road without paying attention. They are not fast enough to dodge the cars (sins, bondages, strongholds) that come at them. And the enemy comes to destroy them and wins. But God wants us so much to stay in the fields with Him and not in the dangerous streets.
I took a left on some street. Loved going slow, looking out at the fields. I wanted to pull over and just look but there were no safe places (still a lot of snow banks). I kept hearing God say "Go to them Beloved. Show them My Love." After driving for so long, I realized that I had absolutely no idea where I was. I knew that if I turned around I could get back to where I started. I knew how to retrace my steps. But God just told me to go straight. Then we came to a street that sorta sounded familiar and I turned south. As I followed this street, I knew I wasn't lost because afterall, I could find my way back by turning around. But I was determined to follow God and eventually He led me to the opposite side of my city. A very familiar intersection that I have passed through several times.
Then I got home. I allowed God to take me a completely different way to my final destination. It took me over an hour to get home with this detour, instead of the 4 minutes it would have taken if I just took the path I normally take. And I'm reminded of the Isrealites and how God led them to the desert through Moses to teach them and to stretch them. It took them 40 years to make a 10-day trip. The only difference is that they didn't really learn did they? God was faithful. He provided food and water every day for them. Led them with a cloud in the daytime and a fire in the nighttime. And yet they were still in their slave-mindset and couldn't trust Him fully.
God took me on a journey on Saturday night. He loved on me and called me to love others. He entrusted me with personal time. He cared enough to take the wheel of my car - literally - and take control of my life. I'm so thankful that my Dad cares enough about me and His other children. He's called me to a higher standard.
He's bestowed upon me the mission to help my Beloved brothers and sisters by showing them the familiar road that takes them home and not allow them to turn back and just retrace their steps. After making progress, there is no turning back to the place where you started. It's all foward movement from here. Keep pressing on towards the prize, to which God has called me heavenward! I do love Him, even when the mission feels overwhelming...He is Love!!!
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