Thursday, July 25, 2013

An Open Letter to Mothers of Daughters

To the Mothers of Daughters:

Wow! You truly mean the world to your little princess.
To her, you are the epitome of beautiful, the very definition of woman,
and the person she will forever love.

When she is in trouble, save her.
When she gets hurt, comfort her.
When she falls down, help her up.

Protect her. Fight for her.
Love her so fiercely that she will never doubt your feelings.

When she tells you, believe her.
When she hurts you, forgive her.
When she hates you, like her.

Protect her. Fight for her.
Love her so deeply that she may love herself.

When she hides, seek her.
When she comes, receive her.
When she reaches, grasp her.

Protect her. Fight for her.
Love her so completely that she doesn't seek it elsewhere.

When she is weak, be strong.
When she is afraid, be fearless.
When she is wavering, be steady.

Protect her. Fight for her.
Love her so unconditionally that she will know she has a home.

This position in life will forever be your most important. Don't let the world influence your relationship. Be courageous and teach her to never give up. Show her how to defend herself. Be prepared for the rough road. Rejoice when the sea is calm. Press on through the storms. Most importantly: never leave her side.

A daughter

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Teacher's Prayer

For the days when I'm called "meanie" over and over again.
For the mornings when I'm hit and have shoes thrown at me.
For the times when I'm told "I hate you" or "I like the other teacher better".

For the days when I am tested and don't get an 'A'.
For the days when tears are ever threatening to fall.
For the moments when I'm overwhelmed by tiny humans.

For days like today.

Oh heavenly Father,
The perfect Teacher and
Most needed Friend.

It has been a rough day.
Please give me the strength to continue.
My flesh is so very weak,
My heart desires to never waiver.

Use me during days like today.
Shine Your light through me,
Even when I fail to keep my cool.

Renew my joy for my job.
Show me once again,
How blessed I am to be in this position.
Allow me to hear Your voice
And share Your kind, gentle words.

Guide my mouth, my hands and my feet.
Forgive me for thinking of harming another.
Forgive me for "losing my cool".

How wonderful are Your ways.
How blessed I am by You.
You show up when I need You most.
Even when I am unaware, You are there.

Comfort my soul as I prepare for tomorrow.
Your mercies are new every morning.
Refresh my spirit and
Allow Your grace to fall upon me.

Be in my classroom.
Send Your love on those children.
Thank You for their beautiful lives.
